A 20-year-old college student in Bengaluru accused an autorickshaw driver of harassment and threats after he refused to pay an extra charge for a ride. The driver allegedly demanded ₹580, even though the final bill was ₹380.

Take a look at the video

The incident, shared in a video by the student on X (formerly Twitter), showed the auto driver insisting on an additional ₹200. The student, who was returning from his internship, said the driver used racial slurs and threatened to physically harm him outside his office. He also claimed the driver called his drunk friends to intimidate him and his friend, forcing them to pay ₹500 instead of the ₹380 fare.

Video captioned as, “Got harassed and threatened by a Bengaluru auto driver. He has told me that he will beat me up outside my office whenever I go—and said racial slurs. He was asking for ₹200 extra out of nowhere. Just a 20-year college student returning from my internship.”

Supporters from the student’s PG intervened, and the argument continued late into the night. The student also reported that the driver’s friends were about to beat them up, but he complied with the demand to avoid further trouble.

The Bengaluru Police have acknowledged the case and requested the student’s details to take action. The app aggregator Namma Yatri, which the student had used for the ride, responded promptly, refunded the excess amount, and blocked the driver.

Meanwhile, many said they faced similar issues with a few auto drivers in Bengaluru.

A user wrote, “Happened to me last year. One of the few times I have ever taken a tuktuk. The guy started demanding Rs.250 over what the app showed. Tried to be menacing, I got in his face and told him – try your best, with a smirk. He quickly scooted. In essence, don’t cower down.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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