Everyone wants to enjoy lukewarm sunlight as the winter season arrives. It not only gives warmth to the body, but also meets vitamin D deficiency, which promotes health. However, it is necessary to avoid some mistakes while sunbathing, so that there is no harm instead of taking its advantages. Let’s know what should be kept in mind while baking the sun:

1. Avoid sitting in the sun for a long time:

In winter, people often bake sunlight in the park for hours, but this habit can be harmful. Staying in the sun for a long time can scorch the skin, which can cause itching and sunburn problems.

2. Do not use sunscreen:

Do not always forget to apply sunscreen before getting out in the sun. It protects your skin from the sun’s UV rays, which reduces the risk of sunburn and skin cancer. Not applying sunscreen can reduce skin collagen, which can cause wrinkles and brown spots.

3. Avoid taking sunlight at wrong time:

It is considered to be the most beneficial in winter between 8 and 10 am. The sun’s sun is light and safe. Taking sunlight at wrong time can cause damage to the skin and eyes.

4. Drink enough water:

Sitting in the sun can cause dehydration problems in the body. So be sure to drink enough water before and after sunbathing.

5. Negligence towards the safety of the eyes:

The sharp glow of sunlight can be harmful to the eyes. Therefore, do not forget to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes while sitting in the sun.

By following these simple tips, you can enjoy the benefits of winter sunlight and maintain your health.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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