Neena Gupta’s daughter, fashion designer Masaba Gupta’s sister-in-law Chinmaya Misra lost her home in the midst of the raging wildfires in the Pacific Palisades area of Los Angeles, United States. She took to her social media handle, urging her followers to extend support by donating through a fundraiser.

Masaba wrote, “My sister-in-law and her family have lost their home to the fire in the Pacific Palisades.. like so many other families.”

She added, “While they are safe, it has been a devastating past few days, and my 16-year-old niece has started a fundraiser to help rebuild their lives in LA. If you are able to donate, it would help tremendously. If you are not – a prayer goes a long way too.”

Check it out:

Satyadeep Misra shared a photo of his sister’s destroyed home on his Instagram story, writing, “This is what remains of it after the fire.” He added, “ lose one’s home and belongings overnight. My sister’s house was one of the many that got burned down in the Palisades fire in LA…her 16 year old daughter has set up a gofundme page.. pls help the young lady out (folded hands and red heart emojis).”

Take a look:

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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