There have been multiple reports about the Saif Ali Khan’s attack case. Earlier, it was reported that the prime suspect in the case has been detained and police is questioning him. Later, Mumbai Police stated that no one has been detained in the case, and now, wife of the man, Waris Ali, has stated that he had gone to Saif Ali Khan’s house for furniture work.

In the video shared by IANS, the wife says that her husband was called by Saif’s manager for furniture work, and he started the work with five people. She says that in the camera also it is seen that he went for work after that he came home.

She further stated that she heard that a robber has entered the house. Later, a call came and her husband was called. Initially, they got scared and thought maybe someone has planned to kill her husband. Then my husband spoke to Saif’s manager and asked him if some issue has happened, and he was quickly called there. So, my husband went.

Waris’ wife says that she went to the police station to meet her husband but she was not allowed as the interrogation was going on. She was told that once the order comes, her husband will be released. She claimed that the husband is not arrested but he is just there for questioning.

In another video, the wife of Waris Ali is seen saying that if she meets the real culprit, she will hit him with chappals and behead him in the middle of the road.

Well, the attack on Saif has shocked one and all. Many Bollywood and South celebs like Pooja Bhatt, Raveena Tandon, Jr NTR, Chiranjeevi, Imtiaz Ali took to social media to wish the actor a speedy recovery. Recently, at the trailer launch of Deva, Shahid Kapoor also spoke about the attack on Saif.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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