BJP MP gifts bag to Priyanka Gandhi: Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi’s bag is currently in the news. He constantly reaches Parliament with new bags. Sometimes he remains in the news because of the bags with Adani and sometimes Bangladesh written on them. Meanwhile, BJP MP Aparajita Sarangi has gifted a bag to Priyanka Gandhi.

1984 Imprinted Bag Curry Gift

BJP woman MP from Odisha Aparajita has given the bag to Priyanka Gandhi. On which 1984 is written. The year 1984 is written on the bag in blood-stained paint, which is a reminder of the 1984 Sikh riots.


Talking on this issue, Aparajita said that Priyanka Gandhi keeps bringing new bags to the Parliament. So I thought, gift him a bag, so I gifted him this bag, which has 1984 written on it. There are also splatters of blood. Which reminds of the riots of 1984. Priyanka Gandhi has accepted this bag, but has not said anything. Just carry the bag.

During the winter session of Parliament, the opposition is continuously protesting against Gautam Adani. Meanwhile, on December 10, Priyanka Gandhi reached Parliament carrying the bag of Modi, Adani Bhai. Rahul Gandhi saw this bag and said that it is very cute. The bag had Modi’s picture on one side and Adani’s picture on the other side. Then on December 16, Priyanka Gandhi reached Parliament carrying a bag with ‘Palestine’ written on it, in support and solidarity of the Palestinian people. Some symbols and signs of Palestine were also painted on the bag. There was a lot of controversy regarding this bag.


BJP was accused of showing a soft attitude towards Palestine and ignoring the attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh. But, the next day Priyanka Gandhi reached Parliament with a bag written Bangladesh. It was written on the bag, “Stand with the Hindus and Christians of Bangladesh.”

Jayant Chaudhary shared a poem on Priyanka Gandhi’s bag

Union Minister Jayant Chaudhary also made fun of Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi’s bag. Union Minister and Rashtriya Lok Dal Party President Jayant Choudhary has shared a poem on social media taking a dig at Priyanka Gandhi’s bag. The title of the poem was ‘What’s in the bag?’

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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