Raipur 7 December (His). Nikshay Niramay Chhattisgarh program was organized in the auditorium of AIIMS Raipur today on Saturday. Under this program, TB, malaria and leprosy patients will be identified and treated for 100 days. Under the program, people who fought diseases like TB and leprosy and are enjoying a healthy life today were also honoured.

One of them is Babita Nag, a resident of Tokapal, Bastar, who was suffering from TB disease till some time ago. He got himself examined in the government hospital and took the benefits of government schemes and consumed medicines and nutritious food on time. Because of this Babita is completely healthy today. Babita has given the credit for her recovery to Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai, due to whose initiative she could become aware of diseases like TB and get her treatment on time. Babita was present in the Nikshay Niramay Chhattisgarh program today to thank Chief Minister Shri Sai. He tied Nikshay Niramay Sutra with his hands to Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai and expressed his gratitude for the work being done in the field of health promotion in the state.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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