Budha Dal Chief Baba Balbir Singh Ji and Tarna Dal Baba Major Singh Sodhi appreciated the concept of the film “Karmi Apo Pavi” and honored the actor and producer of this film Guru Singh Sahota. During this, he said that more films should be made with concepts that connect humanity.

Presented by Music Planet Entertainer, Karmi Apo Aapi is produced by Gurjinder Singh Sahota, Rimpi Jassal and Lara Combs, written by Gurjinder Singh Sahota. Directed by Karan Singh Mann and composed by Daljeet Singh. Starring actors like Guru Singh Sahota, Rana Jung Bahadur, Neetu Pandher, Poonam Sood and Lara Combs, the film is based on themes of faith, love and human unity and community.


Apart from this, the film has songs sung by famous Bollywood artists Daler Mehndi, Sonu Nigam, Jubin Nautiyal and Dev Negi. Famous Bollywood singer Jubin Nautiyal has given a unique touch to the music by singing in Punjabi for the first time for this film. Made outside the framework of mainstream cinema, the film depicts a unique love story colored in various shades of Indian and foreign culture.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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