One of the biggest festivals of Hinduism is the festival of Holi, colors and enthusiasm. On this day, where friends and family have fun together, delicious dishes are also enjoyed. The real fun of Holi is only when it is celebrated with full peace and prosperity.

However, this is a religious and sacred festival, so it is necessary to take some precautions on catering on this day. It is necessary to avoid some things not only from religious point of view but also for health and enjoyable celebrations. So let’s know what things should be avoided on Holi day.

1. Avoid non -veg food on Holi

The festival of Holi is a symbol of brotherhood, love and purity. According to religious beliefs, meat on auspicious occasion like Holi is considered taboo. Vegetarian and satvic food is given priority on this day, so that the spirituality of the festival remains.

  • Non -vegetarian food can make the body feel lethargy and heaviness, which can reduce the pleasure of the festival.
  • Religious, non -vegetarians are also considered negative energy enhancing, so avoid eating it on this day.
  • Traditionally, pure vegetarian dishes like Gujiya, Dahi Bhalle, Papdi Chaat, Malpua etc. are made on Holi, which add to the color of the festival.

2. Avoid eating more spicy foods

People often take interest in eating spicy and spicy things on Holi, but more spicy food can be harmful to health.

  • Extremely spicy food can cause problems like stomach irritation, acidity and indigestion.
  • Adopt a balanced diet to maintain the festival – if you are eating spicy food during the day, then dinner should be light and digestible.
  • Religious also on this day there is a tradition of eating satvik food, which keeps both mind and body pure and balanced.

3. Do not eat more fried and sour food

The attraction of fried and sour dishes increases on the occasion of the festival, but their excessive intake can be harmful to health.

  • Eating more oil and spices can affect the digestive system and can cause problems like gas, indigestion.
  • From a religious point of view, it is advisable to eat pure and satvic food on the day of Holi, so that the purity of both body and mind is maintained.
  • You can make light snacks to enjoy the festival, but eat only fried food in a balanced amount.

4. Avoid alcohol and any kind of intoxication

Some people consume alcohol or other narcotics in the name of Holi, which can spoil the festival environment.

  • The festival of Holi is a symbol of victory over the evil of good, in such a situation, drug addiction hurts the purity of the festival.
  • Drunk people often start behaving inappropriate, which can spoil the atmosphere and also occur accidents.
  • If you really want to make this Holi memorable, then resolve to abandon bad habits and adopt healthy traditions.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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