It is necessary to exercise for a fit and strong body, and squats are a great workout that makes the lower body strong. But often people make some mistakes while making it, which do not get the right results and can also cause damage to the body. If you also do squats, then keep these 5 things in mind.

1) not to sit down completely

Many people do not sit down completely while squats, which does not affect the muscles. While squat go down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. This will help the muscles to function properly and their development will be better.

2) Do not move the knees too forward

Do not make the mistake of bending your knees too much while squat deep. The right way is to bend backwards while going down and prevent your knees from moving beyond the toes. This will not put pressure on the knees and will keep balance.

3) Avoid turning the knees inward

If your knee bends inwards while squat, it puts more pressure on the joints, which increases the risk of injury. Keep your feet lightly outwards before squat for better balance and safety.

4) Do not lift the ankles above the ground

Many people start lifting their ankles while squats, which causes the entire weight of the body to come to the knees. This mistake can be harmful to the knees. While squat, keep your feet flat and activate the core muscles.

5) It is not right to turn over the back

It is okay to bend the back lightly while squats, but bending more can increase pressure on the spinal cord, causing an injury. To squat in the right form, keep your back straight and keep your core muscles strong.

If you do the squats properly, it will strengthen your lower body and also reduce the chances of injury. So next time you squat, avoid these mistakes and take full advantage of your workout!

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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