Actor Avinash Mishra, who is currently locked up inside the Bigg Boss 18 house, was seen accusing the makers of being biased after the elimination process was cancelled for the second consecutive week. He stated that the makers were favouring Karan Veer Mehra and his friends, who were nominated this week for evictions.

In the promo for Monday’s episode, Avinash can be seen visibly upset after no one got evicted from the show during the weekend. “Openly bol do na. Whenever their lot is nominated, you want to play the ‘no eviction’ card. Just say it directly. Itne bewakoof nahi hai,” he can be heard rambling while addressing Bigg Boss himself.

He went on to say, “Ever since he was called to the confession room, you all have started this no-eviction plan. Eliminations will happen only when one of us are nominated. I cannot not talk about it anymore.”

The weekend episodes also saw cracks forming between Avinash and Vivian Dsena’s bond, whom he calls ‘bhai’. In the upcoming episode, the Ishqbaaz actor will be seen nominating Vivian leaving the entire house shocked.

“Karan and Vivian are dragging the ‘mummy’ angle with Shilpa Shirodkar, and none of them is putting an end to it. I cannot ignore this anymore, hence, I nominate Vivian bhai,” Avinash can be seen saying in the promo.

During the weekend too, Avinash was seen sharing his doubts about Vivian with Eisha, and he said that the Madhubala actor was playing safe and was friends with everyone in the Bigg Boss 18 house.

It will now be interesting to watch if the changing dynamics in the house will be the end of some friendships and alliances or the beginning of new ones.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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