Kurla Police have registered an FIR against an auto driver for attacking a police constable after his auto was seized for violating regulations. The accused had reportedly been following the constable for two days before attacking him near a paan shop. The FIR has been filed under Sections 132, 351(2), and 352 of the BNS Act.
According to the police, the incident occurred on December 28, when the complainant, Police Constable Avinash Jadhav, was conducting an anti-smoking drive in Kurla West. The accused, Abbas Habib Merchant, was found smoking in a public place. When Constable Jadhav asked him to stop, Merchant attacked him and claimed he had been following the constable for two days with his mobile phone.
After the attack, Jadhav went to a hospital for a medical examination and subsequently lodged a complaint.
The dispute traces back to December 26, when the accused was driving an auto on a one-way street and was stopped by Constable Jadhav. Upon investigation, it was found that the auto had unpaid fines amounting to thousands of rupees and lacked a valid fitness certificate. As a result, the vehicle was seized. Further investigations revealed that the auto had been returned to the RTO by its original owner.
Police are continuing to investigate the matter.