Mumbai: In the aftermath of the tragic incident that occurred between Maheji and Pardhade stations, swift action was taken by the authorities to ensure the safety, care, and well-being of the affected passengers.
Divisional Railway Manager Ity Pandey along with her team of divisional officers ensured timely relief and medical assistance and logistical support to victims and their families.
“Medical Assistance and Ex-Gratia Compensation Injured passengers were promptly transported to nearby hospitals—Vrindavan Hospital, Vighnaharta Hospital in Pachora, and Godavari Hospital—where they received immediate and adequate medical care” said an official.
According to CR, to support those impacted, ex-gratia payments were disbursed without delay. Grievously injured passengers, including Hasan Ali, Vijay Kumar, Uttam Harjan, Dharma Sawant, and Abu Mohammad, were each provided ₹50,000. Those with minor injuries, such as Moharam, Hakeem Ansari, Deepak Thapa, and Hujala Sawant, received ₹5,000 each.
Support for Families of the Deceased
Efforts were intensified to ensure the dignified handling and transportation of the deceased. Ex-gratia compensation of ₹50,000 was extended to the families of the victims. According to CR, ten deceased were identified as Nasurruddin Badduruddin Sidaqui (19, Gonda, Uttar Pradesh), Babu Khan (27, Bahraich, Uttar Pradesh), Kamala Navin Bhandari (43, Solta, District Kalali, Nepal), Hikmat Vishwakarma (11, Bhosri, Pune), Nandram Vishwakarma (47, Bhosri, Pune), Mahsera Vishwakarma (42, Bhosri, Pune), Kalakami Jaigadi (60, Vasai Road, Bhivandi), Lacchiram Pasi (40, Suya, District Bake, Nepal), Shivkumar Prthviraj Chavan (Hailing from Gounda, Uttar Pradesh), Radheshyam Pad (From District Bake, Nepal). Identification process of remaining deceased is on.
“The Division ensured that the bodies were transported to their respective destinations with respect and care. Death certificates were issued promptly, and nine ambulances were arranged to facilitate the transportation process” said an official.
Special Care for Passengers from Nepal
Special attention was given to passengers from Nepal, including Kamala Navin Bhandari, Lacchiram Pasi, and Radheshyam Pad. Coordinating with local authorities, dignified arrangements were made for the transportation of their remains to Nepal. Formalities were expedited to avoid delays, and logistical support was extended to their families.