Marriage and divorce 12 times: A shocking case has come to light from the European country Austria. The Austrian couple first married and then divorced each other, then married and then divorced each other…this sequence was repeated not 1-2 but 12 times. Yes…marriage and divorce 12 times in 40 years, what was the reason? Let us know…

According to a German newspaper, a woman lost her first husband in 1981. After the death of her husband, the woman received $342,000 i.e. Rs 2.90 crore as widow pension. However, the woman remarried in 1982. Due to this, the woman stopped getting widow pension. After marriage, the woman received $28,405 i.e. Rs 24.11 lakh as compensation and from here the couple got a wonderful idea.


First marriage broke after 6 years,
The woman’s second marriage lasted till 1988. He divorced her after six years of marriage. The woman cited her husband’s absence and stress as the reason for divorce. In such a situation, after the divorce, the woman’s widow pension started again and she started getting Rs 2.90 crore. In this way, both the husband and wife married and divorced 12 times in 40 years.

Divorce used to happen every 3 years
According to media reports, at the time of divorce the woman’s marriage had lasted only for 3 years. Every three years the woman would get divorced and remarry. In this way the widowed woman became entitled to both pension and compensation. The accused woman became a bride 13 times and got divorced 12 times.


Open poll in 2022
It is noteworthy that the woman’s second husband drives a truck. In such a situation, he was often out of the house for work, taking advantage of which the woman got divorced. The couple’s fraud came to light in 2022, when the woman filed a case against the pension fund after getting a divorce. Everyone was surprised when they checked the old records of the woman. The officials flatly refused to restore the woman’s widow pension.

What did the court say?
The Supreme Court of Austria, reacting to this case, said that repeated divorce to get widow pension does not break the marriage. Neighbors of the couple also told that both the husband and wife have been together for years. They never separated. Now the police is investigating the matter.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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