The horrifying incident took place during a wedding ceremony in Utari village of Panhala tehsil of Kolhapur district of Maharashtra. It is alleged that the woman’s maternal uncle tried to mix poison in the food served at the wedding reception. Fortunately, the guests present at the wedding caught the accused acting suspiciously in time, after which there was an uproar at the wedding.

cause of incident

According to the police, the woman had recently eloped with her lover and got married, which angered her maternal uncle Mahesh Patil. The woman was brought up by her maternal uncle’s family and the marriage took place against her wishes. In this anger, the accused conspired to endanger the lives of hundreds of guests at the wedding reception.

Accused caught mixing poison

The incident occurred on Tuesday afternoon. During the wedding, some people saw the accused acting suspiciously in the kitchen. When he was stopped, he tried to run away. However, the people present at the spot caught him red handed.

police action

Panhala police has registered a case against the accused Mahesh Patil. However, the accused is absconding since the incident. Police have sent samples of poisoned food for testing.

police statement

Panhala police station sub-inspector Mahesh Kondubhairi said, “Mahesh Patil was angry about his niece’s marriage. He tried to mix poisonous substance in the food at the wedding reception. However, the guests remained alert and no one ate the food.”

Further investigation continues

The police is searching for the accused and is investigating all aspects of the incident. This disgusting act foiled the conspiracy to turn the wedding ceremony into a mourning, but this incident raises big questions on the dignity of relationships.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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