Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader and MLA from Greater Kailash, Saurabh Bharadwaj made shocking claims after an attack was made on former Delhi Chief Minister and AAP national convener, Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday. Saurabh Bharadwaj made shocking claims that the attacker attempted to burn Kejriwal alive. The liquid which he threw on Kejriwal was spirit and the attacker had a match stick in other hand. Luckily, the security personnel reacted swiftly due to which Arvind Kejriwal was saved from the attacker.
Saurabh Bharadwaj addressed a press conference after the incident of liquid attack against Arvind Kejriwal in which he made the shocking claims. He said that the attacker threw spirit which fell on Arvind Kejriwal and on him also. He also had matchstick in his other hand, however, he was not able to burn him as the security personnel intervened and detained the attacker.
Bharadwaj told PTI, “Shoot-outs and gang-wars are regularly happening in Delhi, and protection money is being asked (from people). A gym owner was killed outside his gym in Greater Kailash, while a person was stabbed to death in Panchsheel Park. Meanwhile, regular attacks are being carried out on Arvind Kejriwal. The BJP-led central government has completely failed.”
Delhi Police claimed that the man threw water on former Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal and further investigation is being carried on to find the motive behind the attack. Delhi Police said, “Today, while Sh. Arvind Kejriwal was holding a Padyatra in the area of Malviya Nagar, one person attempted to throw water at him. The attempt was foiled by the police staff & the person attempted has been nabbed. The person is being examined to find out reasons behind this act.”
The attack occurred during Arvind Kejriwal’s padyatra in Greater Kailash area. Saurabh Bharadwaj also accompanied Kejriwal and was beside him when the attack occurred. The man approached Arvind Kejriwal in the guise of a fan and tried to shake hands with him. He immediately poured the liquid on Kejriwal after which the security personnel swung into action and stopped the man from lighting the matchstick. The attacker was detained and taken into custody.
AAP has claimed that the attacker was linked to BJP and also shared a pic on social media to support their claim. AAP leader and AAP Rajasthan spokesperson, Devendra Yadav claimed that the BJP was behind the attack. He also said that the BJP is behind Arvind Kejriwal as he is raising questions over the deteriorating law and order situation in the national capital. He also said that a former Chief Minister is also not safe in Delhi as the law and order situation has completely collapsed in the national capital.