Attack on Saif Ali Khan on the morning of 16 January:Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan became the victim of a horrifying incident on the morning of 16 January. A person named Shariful Islam Shahzad fatally attacked Saif with a knife. The attacker stabbed Saif six times, leaving the actor seriously injured. Saif, drenched in blood, was immediately taken to Lilavati Hospital in an auto. After the surgery, his condition is now stable and he is recovering in the hospital.

Attacker arrested, police took immediate action

The accused of this attack, Shariful Islam Shahzad, has been arrested by the police from Thane. Since the incident, the police is investigating the matter in depth.

Praise for the courageous auto driver

driver’s selfless act

During this incident, auto-rickshaw driver Bhajan Singh Rana showed great courage. He not only helped Saif reach the hospital but also did not charge any fee for this service.

“Money is not worth more than life,” said the driver.

In an interview given to ANI, Bhajan Singh said, “I did not take money from them, because nothing is more valuable than life.” He also told that till now Saif Ali Khan’s wife Kareena Kapoor or anyone from his family has not come in contact with him.

Honor and reward to the driver

The organization gave a reward of Rs 11,000

For the courageous act of Bhajan Singh, an organization has given him a reward of Rs 11,000. This step is an inspiring example of selfless service to the society and raising awareness towards humanity.

Full details of the incident

horrific scene after the attack

Bhajan Singh told that Saif Ali Khan was bleeding continuously from his neck and back. “His white kurta was completely red with blood. At that time I did not know that he was Saif Ali Khan.” He said that when Saif reached the emergency gate of the hospital, only then did he realize that he was a Bollywood star.

Saif out of danger after surgery

Saif Ali Khan was immediately admitted to Lilavati Hospital, where his surgery lasted for five hours. Doctors removed a 2.5-inch long knife-like piece from his spine. After the surgery, doctors said that he is now out of danger.

When and how did the attack happen?

Time and place of incident

The attack took place at 2:30 am on January 16 in Saif’s apartment in Bandra West. The attacker attacked him at six places on his neck and shoulder.

Life saved by immediately taking him to hospital

Injured Saif was taken to the hospital on time, due to which his life could be saved. The hospital staff immediately started treatment and brought the situation under control.

Public appreciation on the role of driver

Auto-rickshaw driver becomes hero

Bhajan Singh’s selfless and humanitarian efforts in this incident have made him a hero in the eyes of the public. People are praising his work on social media.


Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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