Gujarat ATS has arrested Deepesh, a contract employee of Okha Port, for giving information about Indian Coast Guard ships to Pakistani spies. Deepesh used to earn Rs 200 per day in exchange for ship information through WhatsApp and has taken Rs 42,000 till now. The detective contacted Deepesh on Facebook.

Gujarat Anti Terrorism Squad (ATS) has arrested a contractual employee. He is accused of giving sensitive information about Indian Coast Guard ships to Pakistani spies. The name of the accused is Deepesh Gohil and he was working at Okha Port. In exchange for this information, Deepesh used to get only Rs 200 per day. However, till now he has taken a total of Rs 42,000 for this work. In such a situation, if data is added according to one information, then it is possible that till now it has given 210 informations.

According to ATS, Deepesh had contacted an agent of Pakistan through Facebook. This agent used to talk to Deepesh by calling himself ‘Sahima’. After this she made friends on Facebook and remained in touch with Deepesh through WhatsApp. The agent asked Deepesh for the names and numbers of coast guard ships deployed at Okha port. However, the true identity of this agent is not yet clear.

Used to send secret information to ISI agents

ATS officer K Siddharth said, ‘We got information that a person from Okha was sending information about coast guard ships to Pakistan Navy or ISI agents through WhatsApp. After investigation, we have arrested Deepesh Gohil, resident of Okha. The number with which Deepesh was in contact has been found to be from Pakistan.

He used to give information in exchange for Rs 200

Investigation revealed that Deepesh had easy access to ships stationed at Okha port. He used to give this information in exchange for Rs 200 per day. Since Deepesh did not have a bank account, the money was transferred to his friend’s account. He used to take this amount in cash from his friend and ask for money for welding work. Till now he has taken a total of Rs 42,000 for this work.

ISI agents target common man

Gujarat ATS said that to get information about coast guard ships, agents of Pakistan Navy or ISI are targeting people who are willing to provide information for small amounts of money. An ATS official said, ‘Gujarat ATS has been working with the Coast Guard for a long time to stop drug smuggling along India’s maritime border. In such a situation, information about Coast Guard ships can prove very useful for the Pakistani Army and agents. During war, such information can prove to be very dangerous for the country.

Another case has come to light

Last month itself, Gujarat ATS had arrested a person named Pankaj Kotia from Porbandar, who was giving Coast Guard information to Pakistani spies. Such incidents are a serious threat to the security of the country. Gujarat ATS says that it is constantly alert to prevent such cases and is making every possible effort to destroy the network of these agents.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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