A special operation is being carried out by the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) with the help of the local police to search for Bangladeshi citizens living illegally in various places in Maharashtra and take action against them.
As part of the same, Anti-Terrorism Squad on the basis of discreet information and with the help of local police in Thane, Navi Mumbai, Mumbai City, Nashik etc. Bangladeshi nationals who entered India illegally in the cities were searched.
“A total of 10 cases have been registered in various police stations so far under the Foreign Nationals Act and Passport Act. A total of 17 illegally residing Bangladeshi citizens including 14 men and 3 women have been arrested. While investigating the said crime, it is also observed that Bangladeshi citizens have used fake documents like Aadhar Card, PAN Card etc. Identity cards are prepared. Further investigation of the said crime is being done by the local police station,” said an ATS official.