Bharatiya Janata Party candidate from Delhi’s Kalkaji Assembly seat Ramesh Bidhuri on Thursday filed a complaint with the Election Commission against Delhi Chief Minister and AAP candidate Atishi. In her complaint, Bidhuri accused Atishi of filing false complaints and putting undue pressure on the administration. Also, he demanded to direct the SHO to take action.
In a letter to the returning officer of Kalkaji seat, Bidhuri claimed that Atishi has hired workers from other assembly constituencies for his election campaign. He said, “These salaried workers of Atishi create nuisance in public places and misbehave with my party workers.”
Bidhuri further alleged, “Anticipating his defeat, Atishi threatened to put pressure on the administration and file false cases against my workers, and during this he started filing baseless and false complaints.”
B.J.P. The leader said, “There is no confirmation of these allegations, neither by any audio-video recording, nor by the testimony of any independent witness. Recently, Atishi filed a false complaint against my supporter Manish Bidhuri. They also circulated a fake video to tarnish my image and influence the elections, in respect of which I have already lodged a complaint at Kalkaji Police Station.”
Ramesh Bidhuri also said that filing false complaints by Atishi to put pressure on officials and disturb the peaceful environment is a violation of the provisions of the Indian Justice Code, 2024. Bidhuri requested that SHO Govindpuri and SHO Kalkaji be directed to take action under law against such people who are making false allegations against public officials.