Controversy over the security of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal is increasing. Delhi Chief Minister Atishi Marlena has alleged that a conspiracy is being hatched to kill Arvind Kejriwal, and it includes the BJP as well as the Delhi Police. At the same time, Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann also said that there is an alert for an attack against Kejriwal and he does not trust Delhi Police. He demanded from the Election Commission that Kejriwal should be given the security of the Punjab Police again.

At the press conference on Friday, Atishi Marlena said, “A big conspiracy is being hatched in Delhi. Arvind Kejriwal is being threatened with death. There are two major elements in this conspiracy: On the one hand there are BJP workers who continuously attack Kejriwal and throw stones, while on the other hand there is Delhi Police under the influence of BJP and Amit Shah. There is a conspiracy to kill Arvind Kejriwal with the connivance of BJP and Delhi Police. We are seeing that Kejriwal is constantly being attacked. ”

The Chief Minister of Delhi further said, “The aim of BJP and Amit Shah is to eradicate Arvind Kejriwal in any way. We saw that when Kejriwal was arrested in a false trial, his insulin was also stopped. The Punjab Police was playing an important role in the security case, and now the Punjab Police is removed when Kejriwal is being attacked 10 days before the election. I want to tell the BJP that the people of Delhi love Arvind Kejriwal, consider him as their brother-son. ”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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