Travel enthusiasts can pack their bags anytime and get going on a new trip. When touring different landscapes across the world is your only goal and the ultimate desire in life, age doesn’t really matter.

102-year-old woman named Dorothy Smith, who lives in the San Francisco retirement village, recently flew to Sydney, Australia to strike off her last destination on her bucket list. With this, Smith had travelled across all continents, while also probably being the oldest one to do so.

It all started when Dorothy was having an usual day at her residence and two youngsters knocked her door asking her to revive her love for travel. Ammar Kandil and Staffan Taylor, YouTubers of the channel “Yes Theory”, approached the elderly woman to join them on a trip to Australia.

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How did her Australia trip come true?

While she revealed that it initially felt unreal for her when the duo mentioned to take her along on a foreign tour, she dared to trust them and take the flight to her uncovered destination. The woman told media outlets she “thought it was a scam when two strange men said they would take her to Australia But it wasn’t”.

It was seen that the YouTubers lived up to their promise and recorded an entire travel video of the trio’s trip to the last continent on the lady’s list. Visuals showed them assisting the woman with a wheelchair as they visited travel attractions in Australia.

102-year-old has now travelled across all 7 continents

“She is so powerful and still moves, and if anyone can go to Australia at 102 years old, it is Dorothy”, the YouTubers said.

Dorothy had already travelled to the other continents. And it was only Australia that was remaining to fulfil her wish to visit all seven continents. The 102-year-old had visited Asia, North America, South America, Antarctica and Europe but had never been to Australia.

However, no she has no continent left. With her recent flight to Australia, she completed her wish to travel all continents.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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