The political stir in India has intensified over the statement given by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg on the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav termed this statement of Mark Zuckerberg as factually incorrect. He described Zuckerberg’s comment as disappointing and said that it is beyond the truth in the context of the world’s largest democracy.
Mark Zuckerberg’s claim
Mark Zuckerberg recently said that after the Corona epidemic, the existing governments could not come back to power during the elections in most of the countries. He claimed that the impact of the pandemic has shaken global politics.
Ashwini Vaishnav’s answer: India expressed confidence in Modi government
Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav gave a sharp reply to this statement of Zuckerberg. He said that Lok Sabha elections were held in India in 2024 and the public once again expressed confidence in the Modi government under the leadership of NDA.
Ashwini Vaishnav wrote in a tweet:
“Free ration to 80 crore people, 220 crore free vaccines, help to other countries during the Corona pandemic and the world’s fastest growing economy ensured the third term of the Modi government.”
Advice given to Mark Zuckerberg
Tagging Zuckerberg on the social media platform, Ashwini Vaishnav said that it is extremely disappointing that the founder of Facebook himself is spreading misinformation. He advised Zuckerberg to maintain facts and credibility.
He wrote in the tweet:
“Maintain the importance of factual information. It is essential that only accurate information is shared on public platforms.”
Main results of 2024 Lok Sabha elections
The results of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections once again ensured the return of the Modi government to the Centre. However, this time NDA got less seats as compared to 2019.
- Total Seats: Out of 543 Lok Sabha seats, NDA won 293 seats.
- BJP’s performance: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) alone secured 240 seats.
- Comparison of past performance: In 2019, BJP won 303 seats and NDA won 353 seats.
Main achievements of Modi government’s tenure
- Corona epidemic management:
- Free ration was provided to 80 crore people.
- 220 crore free vaccines were given.
- Economic Leadership:
- India maintained its status as the world’s fastest growing economy despite the pandemic.
- India played a leadership role on the global stage.
- Global Cooperation:
- Supply of medical supplies and vaccines to other countries during the pandemic.
- Strengthened India’s international image and credibility.