Asaram, who has been serving a sentence for 11 years in a rape case, has got a big relief from the Rajasthan High Court. The court has granted him interim bail till March 31. On Tuesday, Justice Dinesh Mehta and Justice Vineet Kumar Mathur said that Asaram will be able to get treatment outside the jail till March 31, 2025. During this period he will not be allowed to meet any of his devotees. Nor will he be able to issue any statement to the media. He will remain under 24-hour police guard and will return to jail after completion of treatment.
It is noteworthy that Asaram’s lawyer R. S. Saluja had filed this application for interim bail in the High Court on January 8, the decision on which has come today after 6 days. 86-year-old Asaram has many health problems, of which heart disease is the most prominent. Taking this as the basis, the bench of Justices MM Sundaresh and Rajesh Bindal has now granted interim bail on the bail conditions received from the Supreme Court.
Let us tell you that Asaram is serving sentence in two heinous cases. Asaram was arrested by Jodhpur Police in 2013 from an ashram in Indore on charges of raping a minor in his ashram. After a long hearing, in 2018 Asaram was sentenced to life imprisonment under the POCSO Act.
The second case is related to Asaram’s Gandhinagar Ashram in Gujarat. Where a student had filed a rape case against him. The victim, a resident of Surat, had accused Asaram of repeatedly raping her in the ashram in 2013. After hearing the case, Gandhinagar court sentenced him to life imprisonment in January 2023.