Former Delhi chief minister and Aam Aadmi Party’s national convenor, Arvind Kejriwal, on Tuesday responded to the Mangolpuri murder incident and urged Delhiites to unite and raise their voices against crime.

In a post on X, Kejriwal said, “Last night, a person was shot dead in public in Mangolpuri. The day before yesterday, three murders occurred in Delhi.”

Urging the citizens of Delhi, the former CM added, “All Delhiites must come together and raise their voices against crime. The most important thing is to ensure the safety of oneself and one’s family.”

This statement comes after a 19-year-old man was shot dead following a dispute over a minor issue in outer Delhi’s Mangolpuri area on Monday night.

Yesterday, Kejriwal, along with senior party leaders, met with the family of the Naraina murder case victim.

After the meeting, Kejriwal revealed that the victim’s younger brother had also been murdered six months ago and accused the police of inaction in the case. “The sad thing is that the victim’s younger brother was murdered six months ago. At that time, their family had submitted a written statement to the police, stating that they faced threats from these individuals and needed protection,” Kejriwal told the media.

Meanwhile, the AAP has launched a campaign against Union Home Minister Amit Shah, holding him responsible for the deteriorating law and order situation in the national capital.

In a social media post, AAP hit out at Shah, stating, “Delhi is living under the shadow of fear, but Amit Shah is sleeping peacefully.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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