Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu extended his support to actress Chum Daran, who is currently seen as a contestant in Salman Khan’s controversial television reality show Bigg Boss 18. The grand finale of the show is set to take place on January 19. Along with Chum, the other contestants who are competing for the trophy are Karan Veer Mehra, Shilpa Shirodkar, Eisha Singh, Avinash Mishra, Vivian Dsena, Rajat Dalal and, Shrutika Arjun and Chaahat Pandey.
As the finale is just round the corner, the CM congratulated Chum for securing a place in the Top 9.
Taking to his official Facebook account, he wrote, “I’m happy to learn that Chum Darang, a daughter of Arunachal Pradesh from Pasighat, has reached among the top 9 of the reality show #BiggBoss18. Show your solidarity with her, and don’t forget to vote for Chum.”
“I’m hopeful that she will be a winner and achieve many more milestones in years to come. My best wishes to Chum Darang,” he added.
Chum was born in Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh. She made her acting debut with the web series Pataal Lok and later starred in films like Badhaai Do and Gangubai Kathiawadi.
Reacting to the CM’s post, Chum’s social media team wrote, “To the Honourable Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh @pemakhandu_bjp Sir, We extend our heartfelt gratitude to you for your unwavering support for Chum Darang. Her exceptional journey in the Bigg Boss house has made every Arunachali and the whole of North East India immensely proud.”
“Her achievements and the values she represents on such a prestigious platform have not only highlighted the talent of our state but have also brought it into the global spotlight,” they added.
Chum often makes headlines because of her growing bond in Bigg Boss 18 house with co-contestant Karan Veer Mehra. A few days back, the duo sparked curiosity by heading into the bathroom together—reportedly to clean it—as the door remained shut for a few minutes.
Later, Chum complained to Shrutika Arjun and Shilpa Shirodkar about how Bigg Boss had turned off the bathroom exhaust while she and Karan were inside together. Karan could not stop blushing as he said, “Chum, they have been doing it for the last 18 years. They know what they have to do. Hum kya bolenge unko.”
To this, Shrutika jokingly asked if they went inside the bathroom to share a kiss. Chum later confirmed that she did kiss Karan, prompting Shilpa to curiously ask why the kiss had to happen in the bathroom. Further, Shrutika asked Chum Darang, “Woh wala pappi? (That kiss?)” To this, the latter denied.
During one of the Weekend Ka Vaar episodes, Karan confessed his romantic feelings for Chum. At the same time, she hinted at the possibility of reconciling with her ex-boyfriend, with whom she had been in a relationship for over 10 years.