Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor’s name often remains in the headlines regarding his personal life. Recently, when his ex-girlfriend Malaika Arora’s father Anil Mehta passed away, Arjun was the first to reach his house and pay tribute to him. This step was much discussed. In Raj Shamni’s podcast, Arjun talked openly about this and told why he did this.
“I give a lot of importance to emotional bonds”: Arjun Kapoor
During the podcast, Arjun Kapoor was asked that usually celebs keep distance from each other after a breakup, but you reached Malaika’s house first. To this Arjun replied:
“When something bad happened with dad (Boney Kapoor), Khushi, and Janhvi, I couldn’t stop myself. Something similar happened here (Malaika’s father passed away). If I have created an emotional bond with someone, then whether in good or bad times, I will stand by that person.”
Arjun further said,
“I believe that when the time is good and they call me, I go. And when times are bad and they need me, I will still be there. I don’t have many friends in this industry, but if I connect with someone, I am always there for them. Yes, if a person doesn’t want me around, I keep my distance.”
“It is better to legitimize a relationship than to hide it.”
During the interview, Arjun Kapoor was also asked whether he ever thought of not making his relationship public. On this Arjun said:
“Today both media and industry have changed. When I debuted, it was easy to hide things from the media. But today, it is not possible to do so. You can’t even eat dinner with someone without getting spotted. Even if you are seen outside someone’s house, people start speculating about an affair.”
Arjun also told that he believes that it is better to make the relationship public.
“If you don’t justify your relationship, people will misrepresent it. This will make the relationship seem cheap. That’s why I believe that if there is a relationship, then make it public in the right way. This is much better.”
“Relationship should be lived with truth”
Arjun Kapoor also said that the era of hiding relationships has become old now. He said,
“If you try to hide your relationship, people will make up different stories about it. It is better that you accept it openly and live with the truth. This not only maintains the dignity of the relationship, but you are also able to move forward without any burden.”