Office politics has come to become an essential part of the corporate world, no matter where you are. Whether it gets to a point of insurmountable toxicity at a workplace or not is something that needless to say is looked at.

However, whether one likes it or not, office politics is now an inextricable part of the modern-day working paradigm.

Fired And How

However, the result of the process or the nature of the said result is not entirely determined or set in stone. Does it always yield the right result? Perhaps not.

Just focusing particularly on this bit of the corporate word, marketing professional Ishan Arora who recently fetched some eyes for a post of his on LinkedIn, has shared another instance from the world of companies and the politics in them.

In a post on social media and job hunting platform LinkedIn Arora said, “An ex-colleague earning 80k a month was laid off from his role. He wasn’t laid off because he was a bad employee.”

Now, why did this come to pass?

Politics and Favourtism

According to Arora, this happened because his friend could not handle the office politics.

On the profile of this person and the nature of the relationship he shared with the upper management, Arora said., “He wasn’t a favourite in his boss’s books and only focused on his work. One day, when the boss had to decide on laying off a team member before the appraisal cycle, He chose to protect his favourites and let go of the colleague.”

Thereafter, this colleague, despite being devastated continued his job search. And because he had the right skills, he soon landed a job at an MNC.

In addition, he also landed a salary of 1.5x his previous salary.

In a post on social media and job hunting platform LinkedIn Arora said,

In a post on social media and job hunting platform LinkedIn Arora said, “An ex-colleague earning 80k a month was laid off from his role. He wasn’t laid off because he was a bad employee.”


What Do You Chose?

What happen to those who remained in the previous office?

Well, according to Arora, his former colleagues are still working at the same company, growing at a slow pace of 10-12 per cent annual increment.

Arora concluded his post with a question for others and said, “So it’s for you to decide, whether you wish to keep yourself happy by gaining the new skills (Category A) Or you wish to please your boss for the short term goals (Category B). Or you want to be a mix of Category A & B”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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