Whenever there is any puja at home or someone is fasting, it is advised not to eat onion and garlic. Not only this, if a person is going to any religious program or religious journey, then in that situation also it is advisable to avoid onion and garlic. In such a situation, this question often arises in the minds of people whether onion and garlic are also non-vegetarian food like chicken and mutton? Because only non-vegetarian food and alcohol are prohibited during puja or religious functions. Onion and garlic are also not included in Satvik diet. Onion and garlic are strictly prohibited in Satvik food. Come, let us know from Ramhans Charitable Hospital, Sirsana Ayurvedic Dr. Sharma ji, are onion and garlic non-vegetarian food? Or why onion and garlic are not included in satvik diet?
Are onion and garlic non-vegetarian food?
Dr. Mr Sharma explains, “Onion and garlic are plant-based foods. Therefore onion and garlic are not non-vegetarian food at all. But, onion and garlic are considered tamasic.
Why are onion and garlic not included in Satvik food? What is the Ayurvedic approach to this?
Dr. Mr. Sharma explains, “According to Ayurveda, our body is made up of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Therefore, to remain healthy, it is very important to have a balance of these three in the body. Let us tell you that every food item has its own characteristics, which affect the tridosha of the body i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The properties and qualities of onion and garlic are also different. Eating onion and garlic can increase pitta dosha in the body. This can lead to imbalance of bile in the body, which can cause many diseases. Garlic in particular is very hot in nature. “This can generate heat in the body, which can increase the risk of inflammation and skin diseases.”
What is his religious viewpoint?
Dr. Shri Sharma explains, “The universe is made up of Sattva guna and Raja-Tamo doshas. Let us tell you that eating onion and garlic increases Rajas and Tama dosha in the body. Due to this the person is not able to control his senses. Therefore, to control the senses, it is advised not to eat onion and garlic. At the same time, when Sattva quality increases in the body, it leads to spiritual progress. “Those who perform religious activities or strive for achievement are advised not to eat onion and garlic.”