Arbaaz Khan and his wife shura khan Recently celebrated their first wedding anniversary and now both are seen traveling together. Shura has shared a picture on her Instagram story, in which Arbaaz is fast asleep in the flight but Shura is holding his hand. This picture shows the depth and love of their relationship.

Shura’s funny caption

While sharing this picture, Shura wrote, “Baby, I’m not running anywhere.” This cute and funny caption won the hearts of fans. The picture perfectly expressed the sweet and strong bond of their relationship.

Arbaaz and Shura’s wedding

Arbaaz Khan as makeup artist in December 2023 shura khan Was married to in a private function. This wedding was very private, in which only the Khan family and some close friends attended. Before marriage, Arbaaz had proposed Shura in a filmy style, a glimpse of which can also be seen on his Instagram account.

Special post on first wedding anniversary

On December 24, 2024, the couple celebrated their first anniversary with great pomp. On this special occasion, Arbaaz made a lovely post on social media for his wife. they wrote, “Happy Anniversary to my love Shura. It is difficult to put into words the happiness, joy and laughter you have brought into our lives.”

Journey from dating to marriage

Before marriage, Arbaaz and Shura were in a relationship for about a year. There is an age difference of 25 years in their relationship, but this couple is proving that love has no limits or age.

Love and support of fans

This new picture of Arbaaz and Shura is much discussed among their fans. The beautiful chemistry and strong relationship of the two has impressed their fans.

Now, fans are eagerly waiting for their upcoming pictures and moments.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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