NCL Apprentice Recruitment 2025: The application process for the Apprentice posts is underway. Applicants can apply for the same by visiting the official website of NCL at This recruitment aims to fill 1765 posts in the Northern Coalfields Limited, NCL. Of which, 152 posts are for graduates, 597 posts are for diplomas and 941 posts are for trade apprentices.

NCL Apprentice Recruitment 2025: Important dates

Candidates can check the important dates below but as per the official notice, the dates are tentative and subject to alteration/amendment.

1. Cut-off date for determining the eligibility in respect of Age: 1.03.2025

2. Release of Notification (Subject to approval): 11.03.2025

3. Start date for applying online through the NCL portal: 12.03.2025

4. Candidate should not have passed his/her Graduation or Diploma before: June 2021

5. Last date for applying online through the NCL portal: 18.03.2025

6. Release of list of shortlisted candidates(Merit List): 20/21.03.2025

7. Date of reporting for candidates placed under merit for Assessment of eligibility and thereafter Joining as Apprentice Trainee (As per released schedule): 24.03.2025 Onwards

NCL Apprentice Recruitment 2025: Eligibility criteria

Applicants can verify the educational criteria to apply for the vacancies on the Detailed Notification. The applicant’s age should be between 18 and 26 years as of the cut-off date, which is March 1, 2025. That is, the Candidate/Applicant must have been born on or between February 3, 1999 and February 3, 2007.

NCL Apprentice Recruitment 2025: How to apply

Step 1: Visit the official website of NCL at

Step 2: Click on the recruitment link and then on the Apprentice Apply online link.

Step 3: After this, aspirants need to register themselves and fill out the application form.

Step 4: Upload the documents, make the payment and then submit the form.

Step 5: Download the form and take a printout of the same for further reference.

Direct link to apply

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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