Television actor Hrithik Yadav, who is currently playing a key role in the show Apollena, revealed that he was thrown out of a show overnight after an old video of him performing some bold scenes in a web series went viral. He stated that he found the incident shocking but he does not regret the work he has done in the past.

Hrithik told Viral Bhayani that Ramayan fame Dipika Chikhlia fired him from Dhartiputra Nandini overnight, despite a one-year cotract with the makers. “There was a bold clip of mine that had gone viral. Bold and intimate scenes are very common nowadays. Many actors do it in web shows and I too did it in a web series in the beginning of my career,” he shared.

He went on to say, “The video somehow reached Dipika ma’am. My co-actors too shared it everywhere. It was very unexpected for me that Dipika ma’am removed me from the show after seeing the clip.”

“I had done it in the initial stage of my career and at that time, I had no money, no finances and I was struggling. It was around the time before the lockdown was imposed. And it was done by my own choice, so I am not guilty about it,” Hrithik added.

Dipika is yet to react to Hrithik’s claims.

Hrithik has now bagged a role in Apollena, which stars Aditi Sharma as the lead. The show tells the story of a young girl who aspires to become and astronaut and also restore her father’s lost respect.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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