Mumbai: Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap has announced to leave Bollywood and make films in the South. He has said that I hate Bollywood. Only remakes are made here. Everyone thinks only about profit and loss.
Anurag blamed the talent management agencies and said that these agencies have spoiled the environment of Bollywood. If an artiste’s film is successful, they take him on contract and earn money by getting him to work. They advise them to go to the gym and not to acting workshops. If the same artist’s film fails then these agencies leave him. Agencies should take the risk of investing in talent but no one does.
He said that I am very sad with today’s industry. Here people think before making how the film will earn. Therefore the joy of making films is gone. Films like ‘Manjumal Boys’ will not be made in Bollywood but its remake will be made 100%. I don’t want to work here because if I stay here I’ll get old and tired.