Saif Ali Khan: Police is in action mode in the recent attack on Saif Ali Khan. Mumbai Police has detained another suspect from Madhya Pradesh. Police are interrogating the accused. Earlier, on Friday, January 17, the police detained a suspect and interrogated him. However, it was later revealed that the person had nothing to do with the case.
More than 35 teams were deployed to catch the accused
Mumbai Police has deployed more than 35 teams to nab the accused. Also, according to the information received from the police, the suspect who carried out the attack was found between Bandra Police Station and Railway Station in Mumbai. After the attack, the suspect kept roaming in Bandra area till 8 am, but the police could not arrest him.
New pictures of the suspected attacker have emerged.
It is reported that a suspect in the attack on Saif Ali Khan was seen at Dadar Railway Station in Mumbai. This person has been seen in CCTV footage.
CCTV footage collected from a mobile shop in Dadar
According to media reports, Mumbai Crime Branch has collected CCTV footage from a mobile shop in Dadar, where the suspect had gone to buy earphones after attacking Saif Ali Khan. The suspect had come to a shop named ‘Iqra’. Hassan, who works at the shop, said, ‘He (the suspect) came to my shop and bought earphones worth Rs 50 and gave me Rs 100, I gave him back Rs 50 and he left the shop. Yesterday (Friday) some police officers came to the shop and took the CCTV footage. Police interrogated the suspect. I didn’t know what he had done.
The attacker became very aggressive during the scuffle
Saif Ali Khan’s wife and actress Kareena Kapoor said in her statement to the police that the attacker had become very aggressive during the fight. However, he did not even touch the jewelery kept in the open.
Kareena said in a statement, the attacker entered Saif’s apartment located on the 12th floor of Satguru Sharan Building and attacked him. Saif was stabbed at many places including his neck. After this Saif was taken to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent emergency surgery.