Andrew Barto and Richard Sutton: The technique of training of artificial intelligence has been awarded the Top Computer Science Award. In this technique, AI is trained in the same way animals trainers train dogs and horses.

Andrew Barto and Richard Sutton were awarded the Turing Award

Andrew Barto and Richard Sutton have been awarded this year’s AM Turing Award, which is equivalent to the Nobel Prize in the technical world. 76 -year -old Barto and 67 -year -old Sutton discovered in the late 1970s that led to AI technology upgraded. In which aothewing machine was operated, which learns new things based on positive signs.


This teaching technology was used by Google Computer Program to defeat the world’s best players in the Chinese Board Game in 2016-17. This technique was used in AI devices such as chat GPT, Financial Trading, and robotic hands were used to help solve rubic cubes.


After winning the award, Barto said that when he started building algorithms at the University of Massachusetts with his doctoral student Sutton, he was not fashion. He is not the first AI forerunner to win the award, named British mathematician, codbreaker and early AI thinker Alan Turing, but his discoveries are important for AI.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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