The Andheri police arrested three individuals for allegedly stealing mobile phones. The police recovered 120 mobile phones of various brands worth Rs.9.18 lakh from them. The accused, identified as Prasad Gurav, 31, Vivek Upadhyay, 27, and Ravi Waghela, 34, all reside in Andheri East. The arrests were made on December 31.
According to the police, on December 31, around 2.50 PM, at Agarkar Chowk, Sahar Road, Andheri East, an individual was walking while talking on his mobile phone. Suddenly, a motorcycle approached him with two individuals on it. The pillion rider snatched the victim’s mobile phone, and they fled the scene. The victim promptly approached the police and lodged a complaint. The police examined CCTV footage and arrested the two suspects from Malpada Dongri, Andheri East, on the same day.
Further investigation revealed that the stolen mobile phone had been handed over to Ravi Waghela. The police launched a search operation and arrested Waghela. During the investigation, they discovered 120 stolen mobile phones of various brands, worth Rs.9.18 lakh, in Waghela’s possession. The investigation also revealed that Waghela’s associates had been stealing mobile phones and handing them over to him. A prior case had been filed against the accused at the Jogeshwari police station.
Under the guidance of Ramesh Bhame, Senior Police Inspector of Andheri Police Station, Crime Police Inspector Vinod Patil and his team successfully executed the operation.