Ananya Panday yet again stuns her fans with her fashion game. Her strapless denim top featured a striking bow at the neckline, making the bow a central part of the outfit rather than an accessory
The denim bandeau top from Mr Self Portrait (priced at £180 or approximately Rs. 19,139) had a flattering flared-out design from the mid-section, deviating from the usual tube-like fit for an edgy yet elegant look
Typically, bows are crafted from breezy materials like chiffon. However, incorporating the bow into denim showcased the playful design’s “baddie” side, adding a unique texture and attitude to the outfit
Ananya paired the denim top with a leather midi skirt from the same brand, Mr Self Portrait, priced at £495 (approximately Rs. 52,630)
To let the denim bow top take center stage, Ananya chose minimalist Swarovski dangler earrings. This understated choice ensured that the outfit remained balanced and elegant
Ananya opted for Aquazzura’s black pumps to complement her leather skirt. These sophisticated heels, priced at $975 (approximately Rs. 83,647)
The ensemble was a perfect amalgamation of contrasting style elements-the whimsical charm of bows, the rugged appeal of denim, and the edgy sophistication of leather

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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