An FIR has been registered against Bollywood actors Shreyas Talpade and Alok Nath. The FIR has been lodged by Vipul Anthil, a resident of Sonepat district of Haryana, at the Murthal police station. Vipul Anthil has claimed that the Human Welfare Credit Cooperative Society registered in Indore (Madhya Pradesh) has escaped with crores of rupees of more than 50 lakh people. Vipul also said that Shreyas Talpade and Alok Nath promoted this company. Sonu Sood attended the company’s program as the chief guest.
Greed for high returns
According to the complaint lodged by Vipul Anthil, this company had been recovering money from people for 6 years. The company promised people to give more returns to the company in other ways including fixed deposits (FDs). To win the trust of the people, the company promoted Bollywood actors, got seminars in expensive and big hotels and initially gave some money to some people. But, now the company is reluctant to give money to the people.
The complainant said that he has more than 250 facility centers in Haryana. These facilities were run by the center agents and senior officials who worked only on online mode. The society started working in several states including Madhya Pradesh, Haryana from 16 September 2016. The society encouraged people to invest in schemes such as fixed deposits (FD) and recurring deposits (RD). The society launched a large -scale campaign to attract investors, which attracted people from both rural and urban areas. People were told that their maturity amount will be given on time.
Complaint lodged on detection of fraud
Vipul also added about one thousand people. Company representatives were trained. The victim said that from 2016 to 2023, the Society paid timely and provided all facilities. But later the situation started deteriorating and the work started getting interrupted. Incentive amount and maturity amount were not given. Officials said this is happening due to the system upgradation. After this, the officials stopped the mobile. Vipul Anthil, a resident of Sonepat, has filed a case against the company.
According to the complaint, the company has taken money from about 50 lakh people. The FIR lodged by the police includes a total of 11 people besides Shreyas Talpade and Alok Nath. In which operators Narendra Negi, Sameer Aggarwal, Pankaj Aggarwal, Parikshit Paras, RK Sethi, Rajesh Tagore (Chief Instructor), Sanjay Mudgil (Chief Instructor), Bollywood actor Shreyas Talpade and Alok Nath (Brand Ambassador), Pappu Sharma, Pappu Sharma, Pappu A case has been registered against Sharma, Srivastava (Haryana Head) Ramkavar Jha (Chest Branch) and Shabab Hussain. A case has been registered under sections 316 (2), 318 (2), (4) BMS in Murthal police station.