Indian Railways News: There is good news for the people traveling in general and sleeper coaches of the train. Railways has now made preparations to run three more Amrit Bharat Express trains via Lucknow. These trains will be started from Chandigarh to Varanasi, Gorakhpur to Mumbai and Howrah to Delhi via Lucknow. Thousands of passengers will benefit from this.

Amrit Bharat Express has been designed for the common Indians, trying to provide maximum facilities. However, these are not air conditioned trains. Preparations have been made to run these trains on three routes, one of which includes Amrit Bharat Express running from Anand Vihar to Darbhanga via Lucknow.

These special facilities will be available in the train

Preparations have been made to provide many types of facilities to the passengers in Amrit Bharat Express train. CCTV cameras will be installed in this train so that anti-social elements can be monitored, while a talk back system will be installed so that in case of emergency, the passengers can directly contact the passengers. Can contact and talk to the loco pilot and train manager. The toilets of these trains have also been improved, vacuum bio toilets and comfortable seats have been installed in them.

Amrit Bharat Express train will have 22 bogies, in which 1834 passengers can travel. Work has also been done regarding the speed of the train, these trains will run at a speed of 130 kilometers per hour, so that people will not face any problem in reaching their destination.

According to the information, Railway Board is going to start 26 Amrit Bharat Express trains. Three of these trains will run via Lucknow. Running of these trains will benefit the common people who are unable to travel in AC trains due to expensive tickets and have to travel with a lot of difficulties in sleeper and general coaches. Not only this, it will also reduce the rush for tickets in trains going to Chandigarh, Delhi and Mumbai.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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