in Bhojpuri film industry Dinesh Lal Yadav alias Nirahua And Amrapali Dubey The pair is considered the most popular and favorite. Their brilliant onscreen chemistry has created a new identity in Bhojpuri cinema. Every time these two come together, they create a stir. His romantic songs make the hearts of his fans beat faster.
Nirahua-Amrapali’s explosive romance in the song ‘Dhadak Jaala Chhatiya’
- Song Features:
The romance of Nirahua and Amrapali in the song ‘Dhadak Jaala Chhatiya’ is making the audience crazy.
Amrapali tries to woo Nirahua in a pink saree, and Nirahua in his checked shirt romances her by holding her in his arms. - Magic of Romance:
The chemistry of both of them in this song is so amazing that the audience is not able to stop themselves from watching it again and again.
Amrapali and Nirahua’s look in the song
- Amrapali’s glamorous style:
Amrapali is looking very beautiful with pink saree and a little more makeup. His expressions and mannerisms succeed in wooing Nirahua.
- Nirahua’s stylish look:
Nirahua, wearing a check shirt, is seen romancing with Amrapali in his handsome look.
Singer and popularity of the song
- singer:
Kalpana and Rajneesh have lent their voices to this song, which makes it even more special.
- Views:
The song has been viewed more than 90 thousand times on YouTube so far, and fans are liking it very much.
Fans’ love and reaction
- Craze:
Fans have left no stone unturned in showering love on this song. In the comment section, people are praising the pairing of Amrapali and Nirahua.
- Craze on social media:
This song is becoming increasingly viral on YouTube and social media, and fans are watching it again and again.
Amrapali and Nirahua: Superhit pair of Bhojpuri cinema
- Onscreen Chemistry:
The chemistry of these two adds charm to every film and song.
- Fans’ favourite:
This pair is one of the most liked pairs by fans in Bhojpuri cinema.
- Romance and acting:
From romantic songs to powerful acting, their pairing wins the hearts of the audience every time.