Amitabh Singh, the Chief Postmaster General of Maharashtra Circle, recently unveiled a commemorative special cancellation and a picture postcard marking the centenary of the iconic Gateway of India. The event was held at the Maharashtra Circle office, drawing attention to one of India’s most important landmarks and celebrating its historical significance. Manoj Kumar, Director Mails and Business Development, Abhijeet Bansode, Director Headquarters, Dr. Sudhir Jakhere, Asst. Postmaster General (Business Development) and Yadagiri Nyalapelli, Asst. Director Postal Services, Maharashtra Circle were present on the occasion.

The Gateway of India, built to commemorate the visit of King George V and Queen Mary to India in 1911, stands as a symbol of India’s rich cultural heritage and history. This special cancellation and picture postcard aim to honour its 100-year legacy, showcasing the grandeur and architectural beauty of the monument.

Both the special cancellation, designed to celebrate the centenary of the Gateway of India and a beautifully crafted postcard depicting the Gateway of India, offering a glimpse into the historical importance of this national treasure are available for sale at the Mumbai Philately Bureau, making them an essential collector’s item for philatelists, historians, and anyone with an interest in India’s heritage.

Speaking at the event, Amitabh Singh emphasized the significance of preserving India’s history through philatelic commemorations. “This release is not just a celebration of the Gateway of India’s centenary but also an opportunity to engage with our country’s history and share it with a wider audience,” he said.

The Mumbai G.P.O. Philately Bureau will be the exclusive location for the purchase of these special items, which are expected to be highly sought after by collectors both within India and abroad.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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