Indian megastar Amitabh Bachchan came to the defense of his son, actor Abhishek Bachchan, on Thursday, after a netizen asked the latter to speak in Hindi instead of English at events. Big B trolled the social media user for his demand in his own quirky style.
It all began after Big B shared a video in which Abhishek was seen giving advice to youngsters about being resilient. “Profound and filled with merit..your humanity and your departure from any vanity as an actor in I WANT TO TALK , is what makes you superior!! (sic),” Big B wrote, sharing the video.
However, a netizen objected to Abhishek speaking in English in the video and wrote to Big B on X, “Sir ji hindi me bolne ko kaho jr, bacchan ji ko…English hamari samaj me barobar nahi aati sirji (sic).”
The message did not go unnoticed by the megastar who then trolled the netizen in his own style. “Wah! Kya drishtikon hai aapka! Adbhut! Bolne ko kehte ho Hindi mein, aur likhte ho angrezi aksharon mein! (sic)”, Big B replied. It losely translates to: “Wow! What a unique point of view. You ask him to speak in Hindi, but you wrote the message using English alphabets!”
As his reply went viral, netizens lauded the megastar for his quirky reply, and also for the fact that he takes time to reply to his followers on social media.
I Want To Talk released in theatres on November 22, and post watching the film, Big B got emotional and showered Abhishek with love and appreciation for his act. “Some films invite you to be entertained .. some films invite you to BE the film. I WANT TO TALK just does that .. it invites you to BE the film ..! It picks you up gently from your seat in the Theatre and places you, equally gently, inside the screen it is being projected upon .. and you watch its life floating by ..No effort or chance of wanting to escape from it into ESCAPISM and Abhishek… you are not Abhishek.. you are ARJUN SEN of the film (sic),” he wrote.
I Want To Talk revolves around the story of a father battling a fatal disease and undergoing treatments for it, and his complex relationship with his daughter. The film also starred Johny Lever and Ahilya Bamroo among others in key roles.