Veteran Bollywood actors Amitabh Bachchan and Shatrughan Sinha have worked together in many films and there is a deep friendship between the two. Recently, Big B shared a funny anecdote in the show “Yaadon Ki Baaraat”, in which he told that once Shatrughan Sinha had pushed his car.

During this, Big B said, “One of the specialties of Shatrughan is that he comes late everywhere. Today he came half an hour before me.” On this Shatrughan jokingly said, “For the first time I have come before you.”

Reminiscing about the shooting days of the films “Shaan” and “Naseeb”, Amitabh said, “We used to work in shifts. The shift of ‘Shaan’ was from 7 am to 2 pm and the shift of ‘Naseeb’ was from 2 to 10 pm. I used to reach at 7 in the morning, while Shatrughan used to come at 11-12 and later go to the second set at 2 o’clock.”

He further added, “When I used to leave for Chandiwali Studio at 2 o’clock, he used to reach at 6 o’clock. If he had to go from one place to another, how would he disappear?

Big B narrated another interesting anecdote, “We had a small broken-down car, which used to break down often. If we had to go from Bandra to Colaba, we all would sit in it and he would ask to push. I used to push the car on Marine Drive, while he used to relax in the car and say, ‘Push properly.'”

Thus, Amitabh Bachchan shared the friendship and fun moments between him and Shatrughan Sinha, which shows how close they are.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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