Union Home Minister Amit Shah has launched a sharp attack on Congress over the Ambedkar controversy. Accusing the Congress of distorting his statement, he said that the Congress party has been anti-Ambedkar, anti-reservation and anti-Constitution. Shah accused the Congress of insulting the Indian Constitution and the values of democracy, saying that the Congress had flouted the Constitution during the Emergency.
Serious allegations against Congress
Amit Shah made many serious allegations against Congress:
- Insult of Ambedkar:
Shah said that Congress never gave Ambedkar the respect he deserved. Citing the book of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, he said that Nehru ji has written in his books that he did not give proper place to Baba Saheb.
- Accusation of not giving Bharat Ratna:
Shah claimed that Congress did not give Bharat Ratna to Ambedkar ji despite being in power for decades. He did not get this honor until 1990, when Congress remained in power.
- Monuments were not built:
Shah said that Congress did not build any memorial for Ambedkar ji. Only after the coming of opposition governments, memorials were built in his name.
- Insult of Constitution and Judiciary:
The Home Minister alleged that the Congress also insulted the martyrs of the judiciary and the army during its rule. He also said that Congress tried to give India’s land to other countries by breaking the Constitution.
Clarification on Ambedkar controversy
Amit Shah said, “I belong to that party, which has always respected Baba Saheb Ambedkar from Jan Sangh to BJP. BJP and its leaders can never speak against Ambedkar ji.”
He said that Congress is an expert in spreading fake news and circulated edited videos of him and Prime Minister Modi using AI during the elections.
Target on Mallikarjun Kharge and Rahul Gandhi
The Home Minister also targeted Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge. He said, “I am saddened that under pressure from Rahul Gandhi, Kharge ji supported this evil attempt of Congress.” Shah appealed to them not to become a part of this politics.
appeal to media
While requesting the media, Amit Shah said, “I appeal to the media to convey my entire statement to the public. My statement has been misrepresented. BJP has always followed the principles of Ambedkar ji and respected his contribution.”
Talk of women’s respect and constitution
Amit Shah accused Congress of ignoring the dignity of women for years. He said that Congress not only insulted Savarkar ji but also disregarded the values of the Constitution by imposing emergency.