Washington: After launching a major campaign to get illegal immigrants out of the US, President Donald Trump has launched the ‘Gold Card Program’ to attract the world’s richest people. Along with attracting global investors through gold cards, Trump is preparing to keep talented foreign students in the US itself. President Trump has allowed American companies to recruit Indian students studying in top universities like Harvard and Stanford under the ‘Gold Card’ program. Trump said that American companies will be able to hire talented foreign students by purchasing gold cards. Trump claimed that Indian students studying in the US return to their country and opened companies and become billionaires.
US President Donald Trump on Wednesday announced the launch of ‘Gold Card’ program to attract rich foreigners. This program will allow the world’s rich people to live and work in the US. They will be able to buy a US dollar gold card of five million, making it easier for them to get US citizenship. Trump hopes that the Gold Card Program will benefit Indian students and investors on a large scale and it will generate a revenue of millions of dollars. President Trump’s Gold Card program is expected to replace the current EB-5 visa program.
Talking about the new gold card, President Trump also questioned his old immigration policy. He mentioned foreign students studying in top universities in the US, especially Indian students. Trump said that students from India, China, Japan and other countries come and study in top universities such as Harvard, Wharton School of Finance, Stanford. American companies offer jobs after studying. But he immediately withdrew the proposal, because he did not know whether the student would be able to live in America or not.
Trump said that due to defective immigration policies, talented foreign students are being forced to leave America and return to their country. Such students return to their country and become successful entrepreneurs. He opens a company there and becomes a billionaire. They provide employment to thousands of people. Due to this, America is getting a big economic shock. I want talented students to stay in America.
Regarding the Gold Card Scheme, Trump further said, “We will sell gold cards in US $ 5 million.” We want productive and talented people. Not only foreign investors but also American companies will be able to buy gold cards. They will be able to recruit talented foreign students from other countries including India under the Gold Card program.
He said that along with this, the money received from the gold card purchased by the companies will be used to repay the debt of America. Sale of gold cards will start in about two weeks, and we will be able to raise millions of dollars from the sale of these types of cards. If we sell 1 million gold cards, we can raise $ 50 trillion. This fund can be significantly helpful in reducing America’s debt.
Trump said that the Gold Card Program will replace the government’s current EB-5 immigrant investor visa program. Under this program launched in 1992, foreign investors can get a green card by investing a minimum of $ 1.05 million in an American project or $ 800,000 in an economically deprived area. This program was started to create employment for Americans. According to the annual immigration data of the Homeland Security Department, around 8,000 people received EB-5 investor visas in 12 months ending September 30, 2022.
The law of 1798 also caused panic among the citizens.
Trump is preparing to bring back the 227 year old Alien Animes Act
If the 18th century law is implemented, Trump will also have the right to deport non-American nationals.
Washington: US President Donald Trump is preparing to re-implement the 227-year-old Foreign Enemy Act after launching his biggest campaign against illegal migrants, causing panic among non-Americans for the threat of exile from the US. On the other hand, preparations are also being made to challenge Trump’s move in court. However, if Trump succeeds in implementing this law, there will be a huge uproar in the whole world including America.
Since becoming the President of the United States, Donald Trump has deported thousands of illegal immigrants from Venezuela, India, Brazil, Mexico and other countries. Now Trump is preparing to re-enacce the Foreign Enemy Act implemented in 1798, causing panic among non-American non-Americans. Now they are also in danger of exile from America.
According to a CNN report, Donald Trump wants to re -enforce the Foreign Enemy Act of 1798. This law provides warships to the US President. Under this, the President can expel any non-American citizen from the country in the name of national interest. Under this law, a person exiled from the country can be declared a ‘foreign enemy’. This law was originally designed for war -term conditions. But now Trump wants to implement this law even under normal circumstances.