The US has lifted the reward declared on three senior Taliban leaders. It also includes the Home Minister, who heads a powerful network. Which is accused of bloody attacks against Afghanistan’s eastern and western -backed governments.
Sirajuddin Haqqani admitted to planning an attack on Serena Hotel in Kabul in January 2008. The attack killed six people, including American citizen Thor David Hela.
Now his picture and name are not visible on the government’s rewards for Justice website. However, the FBI website still had a wanted poster.
According to Home Ministry spokesman Matin Kani, the US government has canceled the awards announced for Haqqani, Abdul Aziz Haqqani and Yahya Haqqani.
Kani told reporters that two of the three are brothers and a cousin. The Haqqani network became one of the deadliest allies of the Taliban after the US -led attack on Afghanistan in 2001.
The group carried out roadside bombings, suicide bombings and other attacks. These include Indian and American Embassy, Afghan Rashtrapati Bhavan and other major targets.