Garlic is often used while cooking, because its aroma and taste make even the simplest vegetable delicious. Due to its medicinal properties, garlic also has special importance in Ayurveda. However, there is another way of using garlic which may seem a bit strange, but its benefits are no less. All you have to do is keep one or two fresh cloves of garlic under your pillow while sleeping. The benefits you will get by doing this will surprise you. Let us know its benefits:

1. Helps in getting better sleep

Nowadays, not being able to sleep on time has become a common problem. Due to mental stress, people keep tossing and turning while lying in bed. If you are also facing similar problem, then sleep by keeping garlic cloves under your pillow. The pungent smell of garlic helps calm the mind and relieve stress. The smell of sulfur present in it is very helpful in inducing sleep.

2. Protection from infection

Garlic naturally has antiviral and antibacterial properties. The body gets a lot of benefits by smelling its aroma. When you keep garlic under your pillow, it creates a kind of shield around you, eliminating the bacteria and viruses present around it. It is also helpful in fighting seasonal diseases like cough and cold.

3. Relief from mosquitoes and insects

If mosquitoes, flies or other insects bother you while sleeping at night, then keep garlic cloves under your pillow. Its strong smell helps keep mosquitoes and insects away, giving you a peaceful sleep.

4. Get rid of bad dreams

If you have nightmares at night, you can try this garlic method. It is said that garlic has the ability to absorb negativity. Keeping it under the pillow spreads positive energy around you, which reduces the chances of having nightmares.

With these benefits, this garlic recipe can help you get both better sleep and health. give it a shot!

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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