The ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’, directed by Sukumar, has been released for 56 days, and despite this Allu Arjun’s film is performing vigorously at the box office. After releasing in theater on 5 December, the film has now become available on the OTT platform, but even after the OTT release, the film is collecting millions every day. ‘Pushpa 2’ has broken not only worldwide, but also at the domestic box office in terms of earnings. Now, the collections of the 56th day of the film have also come out. Let us know how much the film grossed at the box office on the 56th day.
The craze for ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’ is continuously increasing. The special thing is that more than South Indian films, this film is being seen among Hindi audiences, and most of the earnings are also being done in Hindi language. In 56 days, ‘Pushpa 2’ has done a business of Rs 811.6 crore in Hindi only. The film grossed Rs 10.65 crore from the paid preview. On Opening Day, the film broke several records by collecting Rs 164.25 crore at the Indian box office. According to Sacnilk’s early report, the film has done a business of Rs 0.29 lakh on the 56th day i.e. Wednesday. So far, the film has grossed Rs 1233.15 crore in total.
Weekly Collection of ‘Pushpa 2’:
- First week: 725.8 crore rupees
- Second week: 264.8 crore rupees
- Third week: 129.5 crores
- Fourth week: 69.65 crores
- Fifth week: Rs 25.25 crore
- Sixth week: 9.7 crores
- Seventh week: 5.85 crores