Famous actor Allu Arjun has got a big relief in the Sandhya theater stampede case. Hyderabad’s Nampally court has granted regular bail to Allu Arjun in connection with the investigation into the death of a 35-year-old woman in a stampede during the screening of Pushpa 2. The court has directed Allu Arjun to pay two sureties of Rs 50 each. Under the terms of bail, Rs 1,000 each.
What is the matter of Sandhya Theatre?
The incident is of 4th December. When Pushpa-2 was released. Film shows were organized in Hyderabad from 3 am. The premiere show of Pushpa-2 was held at Sandhya Theatre. Fans were eager to see the first day show of Allu’s film. A crowd of fans had gathered outside the theatre. People were dancing. They were playing drums. Many people were also seen bursting firecrackers.
During this screening the crowd went out of control when people suddenly heard that Allu Arjun was going to attend the screening. The whole matter started from here. There was a huge commotion to see Allu Arjun. A woman died in the stampede to see Tara, while her 8-year-old son is admitted in a private hospital.
Woman dies in stampede
This woman was a resident of Dilsukhnagar. Her name was Revati (39). She had come with her husband and two children Mr. Tej (9) and Sanvika (7) to watch Sandhya Theater Movie. As soon as Allu arrived there was an uproar. People started pushing and shoving to enter the theater gate. Meanwhile, Revathi and her son became unconscious. The police found him unconscious. The police immediately took the mother and son to Durgabhai Deshmukh Hospital in Vidyanagar. Where the woman Revati could not be saved. His son was admitted in the hospital.