The Punjab government has announced an extension of the winter vacation for schools across the state due to the ongoing cold wave. Education Minister Harjot Singh Bains confirmed the update on Twitter, stating that all government, aided, recognized, and private schools will remain closed until January 7. Schools will reopen on January 8.

Bains stated, “As per the directions of the Hon’ble Chief Minister, due to cold weather, holidays are being observed in all government, aided, recognized, and private schools of Punjab till January 7. All schools will open on January 8.”

This decision comes as Punjab experiences severe cold weather, dense fog, and low temperatures, disrupting daily life. An orange alert has been issued due to the cold wave and reduced visibility. With ongoing snowfall in northern regions and the expected impact of a Western Disturbance from January 1 to 6, temperatures are predicted to further drop.

The announcement has been welcomed by parents, students, and teachers, who expressed concerns about the safety and health of children in such harsh weather conditions.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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