Bengaluru: The city is expected to have cooler temperatures and partly cloudy skies as a result of low-pressure systems that developed in recent weeks. The city where the sunrise occurred at 06:37 am is anticipated to have partly cloudy conditions. In the meantime, the sun is expected to go down at 5:59 pm on Saturday, December 21.
The minimum and maximum temperatures are likely to hover around 18 degrees Celsius and 29 degrees Celsius. According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), cloudy skies are predicted to be mostly in the city, and it is likely to remain the same throughout the day. Please plan your day accordingly.
The humidity level is expected to range around 63 per cent. Today, the wind is expected to blow steadily from the North at a speed of 8 km/h. Today, no rain alert has been issued by the IMD in the city and dry air is likely to prevail in most parts of Karnataka. But, scattered moderate rainfall is expected in North Interior Karnataka and South Interior Karnataka.
Why does AQI increase in the winter?
Today’s Air Quality Index is 86, indicating moderate AQI in the city and its surrounding areas. According to the weather department, the AQI increases in the winter because winds are calmer and slower, which reduces the dispersion of pollutants. This traps pollutants closer to the ground. The AQI increases because people use more biomass in the winter to warm their homes, increasing air pollution.